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Psychic Mia Ext. 55955

Top Reted Psychic No:1

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First Time Callers: 3 Free Minutes then the cost is $1.00 per minute.
Regular Pricing: $1.00 per minute.

First Time Callers: 3 Free Minutes then the cost is $2.00 per minute.
Regular Pricing: $2.00 per minute.
  • Topics

    Tarot Reading

    Psychic Medium

    Love and Relationship


    Life Coaching

    Dream Interpretation



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  1. Hello ! Im Mia, and I am an energy cleanser and psychic advisor with over more than 9 years of experience. I have been practicing psychic readings for most of my life, having learned from my elders. I am an expert in resolving conflicts and helping with love, relationships, and career issues.

If you are wondering whether he or she is your soulmate or if you are meant to be together, I can help you! I can identify blockages preventing you from growing and progressing and guide you in releasing them. Allow me to guide you and pray over you. I will be here to assist you through every awkward, intense, frustrating, and passionate struggle, whether they are inner or outer struggles.

I can explain what is happening, why it is happening, and what can be done about it. I am able to connect with your true hopes and provide clear guidance without wasting your time. I am available for consultations, and you can reach me during my working hours, which are from [insert your preferred working hours here].

Thank you, and I look forward to helping you find clarity and peace. Please feel free to address me as Ahsan Bashir.
